2 Act Foundation Stranger, I want to share a moment with you. I will offer my poetry, play my music or show my… Continue reading “2 Act Foundation”…
Chór w kontakcie Old The inspiration for the creation this choir for amateur singers in Kontakt Przestrzeń ruchu i tańca, was to create an… Continue reading “Chór w kontakcie Old”…
NASMEH Old NASMEH – founded by Polish artist and singer Aleksandra Zawłocka, Syrian musician and composer Wassim Ibrahim and the percussion player… Continue reading “NASMEH Old”…
Waldorf school Choir and Orchestra for Kids, Waldorf School, (Waldorfska Szkoła Podstawowa im. Janusza Korczaka w Krakowie) Krakow-Poland The work includes conducting… Continue reading “Waldorf school”…